The poor little fellow named 'Smilin Stan' has a problem, his house is getting water logged. You've got to help the little fella save his home. Little rain drops are falling all over the place, and Stan has to run around with a bucket on his head making sure the water doesn't hit the basement. Sound simple enough? Well it should, if this is to complicated I reccomend 'Pong'. Anyways, there are some complications, each time a water drop hits the basement the water level gets higher, and once the basement is flooded Stan throws a fit and runs off the screen. Also the bucket on Stan's head can only hold so much water, so you'll have to empty it into what looks like a toilet, I may be wrong. Every 10,000 points the basement drains, phew!
This is no block buster or best seller, but if you're a C64 nut, or like simple games this your 10 minutes of entertaiment. For some reason I keep coming back to it. As for graphics, well there aren't any really, and the only sound is a beeping soundtrack and little blips each time you catch a rain drop. It's exactly like the original, keep this in mind when reading the ratings. The graphics are bad, but they have to be to keep authenticity.